Site History

11 Jun, 2024

The long awaited version 3.0 redesign of This version houses our podcast and blog as an archive. It was begun in 2019, and went unreleased until 2024.

1 Jul, 2018

Site is now served over HTTPS, allowing secure connections. The blog archive's scrolling load bug has been fixed. Other small improvements on the server-side.

9 Sep, 2015

Added in-house advertisements for awesome games to the homepage.

28 May, 2015

Small styling changes on post pages.

26 Feb, 2015

Small styling changes, background is now a single solid off-white color. Homepage elements rearranged.

22 Oct, 2014

RSS feeds for article categories added. Assorted page titles modifed.

20 Oct, 2014

The first update brings the new blog system, which has replaced the videos tab on the navbar. Slight style changes have been made. The back-end has been majorly refactored to allow for easier changes and additions in the future. Facebook and Twitter share buttons have been added to radio broadcasts. Google+ link was added to footer. Custom error pages updated. User pages added for site authors.

30 Aug, 2014

The first major overhall of the site. We had been kicking it with the same site for three years, and the web kept evolving, leaving us in the dust. We sat down and pumped out a new, responsive site that allowed users to easily enjoy our content.

13 Jun, 2011

The original version of the site, dating back to summer of 2011. This version of the site went through a dozen or so iterations. However, it was not documented, so we're just lumping it all together in one version. It probably ended up at about v1.5.2, or something like that.