News / Resources

Unity makes Learn Premium free during the COVID-19 crisis

Hundreds of hours of resources are available

If you find yourself with extra time on your hands while staying home during the pandemic, Unity made the premium version of their Unity Learn service free for all users in March, with the complimentary access lasting until June 20th, 2020.

Unity Learn is split up into three different types of content: tutorials, which cover a specific topic with step-by-step instructions, projects, which have users go through the process from start to finish in making a game, and courses, which are collections of tutorials and projects. The collection of resources cover topics far and wide, helping guide developers in creating a plethora of genres as well as more specific topics, such as working with VR and using object pooling.

The product is accessible via the web and has tons of downloadable templates to start working with. By signing in with a Unity account, users can save and sync their progress between computers, as well as create a personal list of learning materials to consume.

Visit the Unity Learn website to start learning today.