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IndieCade 2016 submissions open

Game submissions for IndieCade 2016 and the E3 Showcase open

Image by EMiSpicer

IndieCade, the international festival of indie games, is returning to Culver City this October, and has opened up submissions for games to be showcased both at the festival, as well as at the IndieCade Showcase @ E3. Early submissions are accepted until April 1st, with a $30 discount, bringing the price of submission down to $80. After that period, developers have until May 15th to submit their games, where the full price of $110 will be active. Only those who submit during the early submission period will be considered for the E3 Showcase.

In related news, IndieCade East ticket sales also will be going live on Thursday, February 4th. Tickets will be discounted for a limited time, so definitely consider picking your's up sooner than later. IndieCast East takes place at the Museum of the Moving Image in New York City over the weekend of April 29th to May 1st.