Events / Jams

Game Jolt at GDC + ticket giveaway

Fire up your development tools and join Game Jolt at GDC!

GDC's creeping up the calendar, and developers have been messaging each other all over the web to see who's going. If you're one of the folks who wants to go but can't afford an Expo ticket, it's your lucky day. Before we get to that, let's first talk about the Game Jolt Alternative Indie Fest.

In true Game Jolt fashion, the GJAIF booth will host games "FOR indies BY indies" at GDC. We're talking hot indie games made by the community getting recognition at an event typically reserved for paid games with some sort of budget. The booth will be giving some of the smaller guys a chance to shine.


Introducing GJFest and GJGDC Jam

Any game created in 2015 or 2016 and uploaded to Game Jolt by February 18th, 2016 at 10:00 PM EST can be entered into the GJFest, the hybrid game jam that will be used to determine the 10 developers who will win a spot at the Game Jolt booth, as well as a GDC Expo pass. That's right, TEN! For those who had an off year in 2015 and didn't create anything that blows mind, do not fret, because Game Jolt has you covered.

The GJFest will also have a traditional game jam portion, dubbed the Game Jolt GDC Jam, where developers can create a game using the theme (announced at the start) over the course of 72 hours. It starts February 4th at 10:00 PM EST, and the top 5 games will also receive that special honor of being a part of the Game Jolt booth, as well as that shiny GDC pass. Winners for both portions of GJFest will be chosen by their peers, so to vote, you also have to enter. This should help keep cheaters from sending a link to all their Game Jolt friends!

There's tons more details about the jam, and while we'd love to fill your screen up, we'd much rather redirect you to the official jam page. Developers, artists, musicians, designers, and anyone else who wants to be a part of the jam but needs a team can head over to the forum topic to find a team that will bring you to success. Teams, however, will only be awarded one pass, so decide who gets it before you win!