Events / Jams

Leap Motion 3D Jam starts

A unique game jam with $75,000 in prizes

Leap Motion and IndieCade have launched a six week, world wide game jam for developers to get their hands on and create experiences with the Leap Motion Controller. The controller tracks your hand motions, and translates it into data easily understood by an already large assortment of languages, including JavaScript, C++, Java, Objective-C, and game engines such as Unity.

The jam has tons of prizes, with winning teams able to win up to $5,000 USD in cash, as well as $2,500 USD to travel out to IndieCade East 2015 to show their game off at the festival. Other prizes include invites to the Leap Motion headquarters, controllers for all members of the team, and discounts for submitting your game to IndieCade 2015.

The jam officially started yesterday, October 19th, and runs all the way to December 1st, 2014. Jammers are required to upload an initial build or video on November 15th. We hope to see some fantastic games come out of this jam!

Visit the official announcement for more information regarding the jam.