
Boss Fight Books: Season 2

The new season offers six more in-depth books on classic games

Baldur's Gate II, Metal Gear Solid, Bible Adventures, Spelunky, and World of Warcraft are five of the six new titles coming from Boss Fight Books, thanks to their already successful Kickstarter campaign. While we at indie(Function); are super pumped for the Spelunky book, written by creator Derek Yu, the entire collection is something special to add to your growing bookshelf.

The six books will be releasing in 2015, the first one available in January. Each book comes out two months after its predecessor, finishing up Season 2 in November. The sixth book has not been announced, due to the fact that it is unknown what it will be. Kickstarter backers are given the opportunity to vote on which game gets the privledge of being the 12th book in the series.

Half a day in, the creators are approaching the third of six stretch goals. Stretch goals include printed editions of their new Continue? The Boss Fight Anthology, author interviews, and extra effort to make it possible for independent bookstores to stock the series. Back them quickly before the rewards are gone, as limited quanities of print books and assorted awards are available.

For more information on Boss Fight Books, check out their website.